Chemin:okDatasheet > Fiche de Semi-conducteurs > ADI Datasheet > ADI-82

-2111KG-52 AD625SD/883B AD7875 AD6644 AD1674BR AD7705BR OP37EP AD7828UE DAC16FS ADSP-21060LAB-160 AD8013AR-14-REEL ADP3310AR-5 AD8038AKS-REEL AD1862 AD626AR-REEL7 AD843BH DAC8413 ADP3410 AD2S99BP ADSP-2162KP-40 SMP04EQ AD766SD/883B AD7579BQ ADDAC80N-CBI-V AD7470 ADP3603 OP27AZ AD

ADI Fiches catalogue-82

Partie nFabricantApplication
ADSP-2101KG-100 ADI16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=1K, program memory=2K, 25 MHz
ADSP-2111KG-52 ADI16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=1K, program memory=2K, 13 MHz
AD625SD/883B ADI+-18V; 450mW; programmable gain instrumentation amplifier
AD7875 ADICMOS, Complete 12-Bit 100 kHz, Sampling ADC with Uni 5V Input Range
AD6644 ADI14-Bit, 65 MSPS Wideband Analog-to-Digital Converter
AD1674BR ADI0-16.5V; 825mW; 12-bit 100 MSPS A/D converter
AD7705BR ADI0.3-7V; 3/5V, 1mW; 2/3-channel 16-bit, sigma-delta ADC
OP37EP ADI22V; 25mA; low-noise, precision, high-speed operational amplifier
AD7828UE ADI0-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS high speed, uP-compatible 8-bit ADC
DAC16FS ADI-0.3 to +25.0V; ouput current 8mA; 1000mW; 16-bit, high speed current-output DAC. For communications, ATE, data acquisition systems, high resolution displays
ADSP-21060LAB-160 ADI0.3-7V; 33MHz; ADSP-2106x SHARC DSP microcomputer
AD8013AR-14-REEL ADI13.2V; single supply, low power triple video amplifier. For LCD displays, video line driver
ADP3310AR-5 ADIOutputV 5V; precision voltage regulator controller. For desktop computers, handheld instruments
AD8038AKS-REEL ADILow power 350 MHz voltage feedback amplifier
AD1862 ADIUltralow Noise 20-Bit Audio DAC
AD626AR-REEL7 ADI+-36V; inputVup to 60V; low cost, single supply differential amplifier. For current sensing
AD843BH ADI18V; 1.5W; 34MHz, CBFET fast settling Op Amp. For high speed sample-and-hold amplifiers, high bandwidth active filters
DAC8413 ADIQuad, 12-Bit DAC Voltage Output with Readback, Reset to Zero Code
ADP3410 ADIDual MOSFET Driver with Bootstrapping
AD2S99BP ADI7V; programmable oscillator. For excitation source for resolvers, synchros, LVDTs, RVDTs, pressure transducers, load cells, AC bridges
ADSP-2162KP-40 ADI16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=0.5K, program memory=8K, 10.24 MHz, 3.3V
SMP04EQ ADI0.3-17V; 20mA; CMOS quad sample-and-hold amplifier. For signal processing systems, multichannel data acquisition systems, automatic test equipment
AD766SD/883B ADI0 to 13.2V; 16-bit DSP DACPORT. For digital signal processing, noise cancellation, radar jamming
AD7579BQ ADI-0.3 to +7.0V; 450mW; LC2MOS 10-bit sampling A/D converter
ADDAC80N-CBI-V ADI+-12V power supply; 300mW; complete low cost 12-bit A/D converter
AD7470 ADI10-Bit, 2.7 V to 5.25 V, 1.75 MSPS Low Power ADC
ADP3603 ADISwitched Capacitor Voltage Converter w/Regulated Output - up to 50mA
OP27AZ ADI22V; 25mA; low-noise, precision operational amplifier
AD845SCHIPS ADI18V; 1.6W; 16MHz, 1.1W; precision CBFET Op Amp
AD705JR-REEL ADI18V; 650mW; picoampere input current bipolar Op Amp. For low frequency active filters, precision instrumentation, precision integrators

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