Chemin:okDatasheet > Fiche de Semi-conducteurs > Hitachi Datasheet > Hitachi-21

400ALTZ-7 2SK1775 HD74ALVCHR162269A HA16108P HA12221F HD74ACT126 2SK2956 HD74LS14 2SD1163 HB288192A6 HM5225645F-B60 HM62256ALT-8SL HD74HC20 4AK15 HA17393 HM62W16255HTT-15 2SK1314(L) HM514400ALRR-8 HZS5B1 HA13702A HAT2054M HD14076B HD74HC377 HD74HC245 HM62V16256BLTT-7SL HA17451AFP

Hitachi Fiches catalogue-21

Partie nFabricantApplication
HD74ALVCH16821 Hitachi3.3V 20-bit Bus Interface Flip-Flop with 3-state Outputs
HM514400ALTZ-7 Hitachi1,048,576-word x 4-bid DRAM, 70ns
2SK1775 HitachiPower switching MOSFET
HD74ALVCHR162269A Hitachi12-bit to 24-bit Registerd Bus Transceiver with 3-state Outputs
HA16108P HitachiSwitching regulator
HA12221F HitachiAudio signal processor for car deck (decode only dolby B type NR with PB Amp), operating voltage 6.5V to 12V
HD74ACT126 HitachiQuad. Bus Buffer Gates with 3-state outputs
2SK2956 HitachiPower switching MOSFET
HD74LS14 HitachiHex schmitt trigger inverters
2SD1163 HitachiBipolar power switching transistor
HB288192A6 HitachiFlash ATA card 192 MByte
HM5225645F-B60 Hitachi256M LVTTL interface SDRAM 100MHz, 1-Mword x 64-bit x 4-bank
HM62256ALT-8SL Hitachi32,768-word x 8-bit high speed CMOS static RAM, 85ns
HD74HC20 HitachiDual 4-input NAND Gates
4AK15 HitachiPower MOSFET array
HA17393 HitachiDual voltage comparators
HM62W16255HTT-15 Hitachi4M high speed SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit), 15ns access time
2SK1314(L) HitachiPower switching MOSFET
HM514400ALRR-8 Hitachi1,048,576-word x 4-bid DRAM, 80ns
HZS5B1 Hitachi4.6-4.8V zener diode for stabilized power supply
HA13702A HitachiIPIC high side bulb driver
HAT2054M HitachiPower switching MOSFET
HD14076B Hitachi4-bit D-type Register with 3-state outputs
HD74HC377 HitachiOctal D-type Flip-Flops with Enable
HD74HC245 HitachiOctal Bus Transceivers with 3-state outputs
HM62V16256BLTT-7SL Hitachi4M SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit), 70ns access time
HA17451AFP HitachiSwitching regulator
HM62W16258BLTT-5 Hitachi4M SRAM (256-kword x 16-bit), 55 ns access time
HSS82 HitachiHigh frequency small signal diode
HA16129FPJ HitachiWatch dog timer

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