Chemin:okDatasheet > Fiche de Semi-conducteurs > Integral Datasheet > Integral-11

IW4502BN IN74HC241ADW IW4015BN 7908 IN74LV04D IW4019BD IN74AC04N IN74AC20D IN74ACT640N IN74LV14D IN74AC240N IN74AC374N IW4001BD IN74HC533DW IN74HC30A ILA8395 IN74ACT14D IN74ACT573N IN74ACT533DW IN74HC04AD IZD1520 IN74HCT74AD IN74AC158N IW4025BD IW4516BD IN74HC651N IN74HCT240ADW I

Integral Fiches catalogue-11

Partie nFabricantApplication
IL2931T-5 IntegralChip for low dropout positive voltage regulator IC
INA3010DW IntegralInfrarared remote control transmitter RC-5
IW4502BN IntegralStrobed hex inverter/buffer, high-voltage silicon-gate CMOS
IN74HC241ADW IntegralOctal 3-state noninverting buffer/line driver/line receiver, high-performance silicon-gate CMOS
IW4015BN IntegralDual 4-stage static shift register, high-voltage silicon-gate CMOS
7908 IntegralThree-terminal negative voltage regulator IC
IN74LV04D IntegralHex inverter
IW4019BD IntegralQuad AND/OR select gate, high-voltage silicon-gate CMOS
IN74AC04N IntegralHex inverter high-speed silicon-gate CMOS
IN74AC20D IntegralDual 4-input NAND gate high-speed silicon-gate CMOS
IN74ACT640N IntegralOctal 3-state inverting bus transceiver high-speed silicon-gate CMOS
IN74LV14D IntegralHex schmitt-trigger inverter
IN74AC240N IntegralOctal 3-state inverting buffer/line driver/line receiver high-speed silicon-gate CMOS
IN74AC374N IntegralOctal 3-state noninverting D flip-flop high-speed silicon-gate CMOS
IW4001BD IntegralQuad 2-input NOR gate, high-voltage silicon-gate CMOS
IN74HC533DW IntegralOctal 3-state inverting transparent latch, high-performance silicon-gate CMOS
IN74HC30A Integral8-input NAND gate
ILA8395 IntegralSECAM decoder
IN74ACT14D IntegralHex schmitt-trigger inverter high-speed silicon-gate CMOS
IN74ACT573N IntegralOctal 3-state noninverting transparent latch high-performance silicon-gate CMOS
IN74ACT533DW IntegralOctal 3-state inverting transparent latch high-speed silicon-gate CMOS
IN74HC04AD IntegralHex inverter, high-performance silicon-gate CMOS
IZD1520 IntegralDot matrix LCD driver
IN74HCT74AD IntegralDual D flip-flop with set and reset, high-performance silicon-gate CMOS
IN74AC158N IntegralQuad 2-input data selector/multiplexer high-speed silicon-gate CMOS
IW4025BD IntegralTriple 3-input NOR gate, high-voltage silicon-gate CMOS
IW4516BD IntegralPresettable up/down counter, high-voltage silicon-gate CMOS
IN74HC651N IntegralOctal 3-state bus transceivers and D flip-flops, high-performance silicon-gate CMOS
IN74HCT240ADW IntegralOctal 3-state inverting buffer/line driver line receiver, high-performance silicon-gate CMOS
IN74HC4051DW IntegralAnalog multiplexer demultiplexer, high-performance silicon-gate CMOS

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