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Partie nApplication
C1321P Channel photomultiplexer, 1/2 inche, special type for photon counts, dark counts 4 cps.
C1311 Channel photomultiplexer, 1/2 inche, window material MgF2, dark current 8 pA.
MH1373 1/2 inche CPM module. Input voltage 5V to +5.5V DC. Window material UV glass. Dark current 20000pA @ 5 x 10^7 gain.
VTB5051UVJ Process photodiode. Isc = 130 microA, Voc = 490 mV at H = 100 fc, 2850 K.
GP-488 Mini-triggered spark gap. E-E operating range 2kV(min), 4kV(max), SBV 4.5kV(min), VT 2kV(min), peak pulse current 10kA.
MD1363 Ultra high sensivity gateable photomultiplier DC-module. 1/2 inche DC photosensor module. Window material UV glass. Dark current/offset voltage 120pA/6mV @ 1 x 10^6 gain & 1V/20nA.
MD1943 Ultra high sensivity gateable photomultiplier DC-module. 3/4 inche DC photosensor module. Window material UV glass. Dark current/offset voltage 30pA/1.5mV @ 1 x 10^6 gain & 1V/20nA.
MH1973 3/4 inche CPM module. Input voltage 5V to +5.5V DC. Window material UV glass. Dark current 50000pA @ 5 x 10^7 gain.
MH1983P 3/4 inche CPM module. P-version. Input voltage 5V to +5.5V DC. Window material UV glass. Dark counts per second 25 cps(typ.).
MD1982 Ultra high sensivity gateable photomultiplier DC-module. 3/4 inche DC photosensor module. Window material quartz. Dark current/offset voltage 10pA/500microV @ 1 x 10^6 gain & 1V/20nA.
VT50N1 Photoconductive cell
MP942 Ultra high sensitivity gateable photon counting module. Window material quartz, dark counts 10 cps(typ.)
GP-70 Triggered spark gap. O-A range (min/max) 12-36kV.
RL1024PAQ-712 Linear photodiode array imager. Window fused silica. 1024 active pixels.
GP-81B Triggered spark gap. O-A range (min/max) 40-100kV.
C1343P Channel photomultiplexer, 1/2 inche, special type for photon counts, dark counts 40 cps.
VTS2086 Process photodiode. Isc = 80 microA(typ), Voc = 0.45 mV(typ) at H = 1000 lux, 2850 K.
OGP-49 Overvoltage spark gap. Static breakdown voltage range (min-max) 2-25 kV.
VT935G Photoconductive cell. Group A, B, C.
HY-3192 Thyratron. Peak anode voltage epy 32 kV, peak anode current ib 1000 a, average anode current lb 2.2 Adc, RMS anode current lb 47.5 Aac. Seated height x tube width 3.75 x 3.25 inches.
PB-23 Overvoltage spark gap. Static breakdown voltage range (min-max) 0.5-5 kV.
C30807 N-type silicon PIN photodetector
LS-5101 Thyratron. Peak anode voltage epy 40 kV, peak anode current ib 20000 a, average anode current lb 4 Adc, RMS anode current lb 90 Aac. Seated height x tube width 6.75 x 4.5 inches.
VTP4085 Process photodiodes
VTL11D3 Optoswitch. Slotted switch with P.C.P. mount leads. LED emitter, phototransistor detector.
LD3541PGK-011 Low-cost digital linescan camera. CameraLink. Number of pixels 512. 40 MHz.
VTL5C4 Low cost axial VACTROL
OGP-75 Overvoltage spark gap. Static breakdown voltage range (min-max) 10-30 kV.

PerkinElmer Profil

PerkinElmer Optoelectronics Develops, manufactures, and markets optoelectronic devices, such as sensors, photodiode arrays, multiplexers, and imaging products for the biomedical