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Nouvelles Vitesse Fiche au format PDF

Partie nApplication
VSC7807WB Photodetector/transimpedance amplifier for optical communication. 3.3V supply
VSC215 Enchanced IPMI baseboard management controller
VSC8110GB1 ATM/SONET/SDH 155/622 Mb/s transceiver mux/demux with integrated clock generation
VSC7807WA Photodetector/transimpedance amplifier for optical communication. 3.3V supply
VSC7807WD Photodetector/transimpedance amplifier for optical communication. 3.3V supply
VSC7147 Hex PBC with dual repeater/retimer. 2.5V power supply
VSC7709WC 1.25Gb/s photodetector amplifier for optical communication. 3.3V supply
VSC7139TW Quad transceiver for fibre channel and Gigabit ethernet. 3.3V power supply, 2.67 W max power dissipation
VSC7123RD 10-bit transceiver for fibre channel and Gigabit ethernet. 3.3V power supply voltage
VSC8110GB2 ATM/SONET/SDH 155/622 Mb/s transceiver mux/demux with integrated clock generation
VSC7807WC Photodetector/transimpedance amplifier for optical communication. 3.3V supply
SSC055 Enchanced IIC backplane controller
VSC7969WD1A 3.125Gb/s integrated transimpedance and limiting amplifier with signal detect. 3.3V supply, VOUTH/VOUTP outputs
VSC851FX 1.6 Gb/s 32x32 crosspoint switch
VSC7937X Signal supply 2.5 Gb/s voltage driver
VSC7969YD1 3.125Gb/s integrated transimpedance and limiting amplifier with signal detect. 3.3V supply
VSC6424 500 Mb/s video shift register IC
VSC7962W 3.125Gb/s PECL limiting amplifier with LOS detect and laser diode with automatic power control
VSC8144-FECQQ 2.488 Gb/s to 2.667 Gb/s 41 SONET/SDH transceiver with integrated clock generator
VSC7124QM Quad port bypass circuit. 3.3 power supply
VSC7125QU 1.0625Gb/s fibre channel transceiver. 3.3V supply
VSC8021FI 2.5 Gb/s SONET-compatible 8-bit multiplexer chipset
VSC7938W SONET/SDH 3.125Gb/s laser diode with automatic power control
VSC7809WC Photodetector/transimpedance amplifier for optical communication. 3.3V supply
VSC7990W SONET/SDH 10.7Gb/s laser diode driver
VSC8101JA 155.55 Mb/s clock and data recovery unit. 400mW, 2V power supply
VSC7711X Transimpedance amplifier for optical communication. 5V supply
VSC7216-02 Low power quad 1.25Gb/s backplane transceiver. 2.2 supply, internal 1.8W regulator

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Breaking records for the best performance, fastest data rates, highest integration and lowest power, Vitesse is the only IC provider that has the proven technical expertise required for overcoming both Ethernet and Telecom challenges.

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