Chemin:okDatasheet > Fiche de Semi-conducteurs > ADI Datasheet > ADI-6
5 AD7812YRU AD73322LAST AD8009JRT-REEL7 AD774B ADSP-2100AUG/883G ADM239LAR ADSP-2163KS-100 AD7224UQ ADDAC80D-CBI-V AD9617 ADM696AR AD7249AR AD652JP ADM238LJR AD667 ADSP-2101KG-66 ADG431ABR AD9042ST/PCB AD7450ARM AD28MSP02KN AD9708AR JM38510/13903BIA AD7541ABQ ADR425BR AD977ABN AD
Partie n | Fabricant | Application |
AD830AN | ADI | "High speed, video difference amplifier" |
REF194ES | ADI | "0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors" |
OP15 | ADI | Precision JFET-Input Operational Amplifiers |
AD7812YRU | ADI | 0.3-7V; 450mW; 10-bit 4/8-channel sampling ADC |
AD73322LAST | ADI | "0.3-4.6V; low-cost, low power CMOS general-purpose dual analog front end. For general-purpose analog I/O, speech processing, cordless and personal communications and telephony" |
AD8009JRT-REEL7 | ADI | "12.6V; 0.75W; 1GHz, 5.500V/uS low distortion amplifier. For pulse amplifier, IF/RF gain stage/amplifiers" |
AD774B | ADI | Complete 12-Bit Successive Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converters With Three-State Output and 8 us Conversion |
ADSP-2100AUG/883G | ADI | "0.3-7V; speed 12.50MHz; 12.5 MIPS microprocessor. For optimized for DSP algorithms including, digital filtering, fast fourier transforms,image processing, radar, sonar speech processing and telecommunications" |
ADM239LAR | ADI | "Nominal+5V; CMOS RS-232 driver/receiver. For computers, peripherals, modems, printers, instruments" |
ADSP-2163KS-100 | ADI | "16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=0.5K, program memory=4K, 25 MHz" |
AD7224UQ | ADI | "-0.3, +17V; 450mW; LG2MOS 8-bit DAC with output amplifier" |
ADDAC80D-CBI-V | ADI | +-12V power supply; 300mW; complete low cost 12-bit A/D converter |
AD9617 | ADI | "Low Distortion, Precision, Wide Bandwidth Op Amp" |
ADM696AR | ADI | "0.3-6V; 600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers" |
AD7249AR | ADI | "-0.3, +17V; 600mW; LC2MOS dual 12-bit serial DACPORT. For process control, industrial automation" |
AD652JP | ADI | 36V; 50mA; monolithic synchronous voltage-to-frequency converter |
ADM238LJR | ADI | "Nominal+5V; CMOS RS-232 driver/receiver. For computers, peripherals, modems, printers, instruments" |
AD667 | ADI | Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A Converter |
ADSP-2101KG-66 | ADI | Instruction rate 16.67MHz; 0.3-7V; ADSP-2100 family DSP microcomputer |
ADG431ABR | ADI | "44V; 30-100mA; 470mW; LC2MOS precision quad SPST switch. For audio and video switching, automatic test equipment, precision data acquisition" |
AD9042ST/PCB | ADI | "0-7V; 20mA; 12-bit, 41 MSPS monolithic A/D converter. For cellular/PCS base stations, GPS anti-jamming receivers" |
AD7450ARM | ADI | "0.3-7V; 450mW; differential input, 1MSPS 12-bit ADC" |
AD28MSP02KN | ADI | 0.3-7V; voiceband signal port |
AD9708AR | ADI | "8-bit, 100MSPS + TxDAC D/A converter. For communications, signal reconstruction, instrumnetations" |
JM38510/13903BIA | ADI | "10-22V; internally trimmed integrated circuit multiplier for multipication, division, squaring, square rooting" |
AD7541ABQ | ADI | +17V; 450mW; CMOS 12-bit monolithic multiplying DAC |
ADR425BR | ADI | "18V; ultraprecision low-noise, 2.048V / 2.500V / 3.00V / 5.00V XFET voltage reference. For bettery-powered instrumentation, portable medical instruments, precision data acquisition systems, high resolution converters" |
AD977ABN | ADI | "25V; 700mW; 16-bit, 100kSPS/200kSPS BiCMOS A/D converter" |
ADV7197KST | ADI | "7V; multiformat HDTV encoder with three 11-bit DACs. For HDTV display devices, HDTV projection systems, digital video systems" |
OP290AZ | ADI | "18V; precision, low power, micropower dual operational amplifier" |